Get Inspired: 5 Creative Photography Techniques to Try

Photography is an ever-changing medium that has evolved so much over time. Good quality cameras used to be so unattainable that only those with large wallets could call themselves photographers. Now, the phones in our pockets can produce better-quality images than the cameras did not too long ago.
Photography is a creative medium that is now accessible to anyone and has folks searching for new creative ways to snap photos. With these 5 creative techniques, the BeFunky Photo Editor, and the mobile app, you will be unstoppably creative and inspired to start snapping images.
5 Creative Photography Techniques to Inspire You
These 5 creative techniques can be used with a DSLR camera or your camera phone. They each have a unique way to capture a different kind of creativity. Get out on the town and start capturing images, but use these techniques as inspiration.
Technique 1: Add a Bokeh Effect to the Background
Bokeh is a style of photography where an aesthetic blur is achieved in the out-of-focus parts of the image, often creating orbs of light. Bokeh is generally grouped into two main groups: Bad Bokeh and Good Bokeh. Bad bokeh is when there is blurring that is displeasing and distracting to the main subject. Good bokeh draws you into the main subject and results in a beautiful final image that is not distracting. Creating a bokeh image can be done with a macro lens, which allows you to focus on something small while blurring the background. You could also give it a go with Portrait Mode on your phone! Even if you don’t find the perfect balance of bokeh in your image, you can always apply a Bokeh effect in the BeFunky Photo Editor after you snap it.

Technique 2: Highlight Your Subject With Depth of Field
Depth of field is the distance in which the subject and the background are placed for the focus to be highlighted. You can achieve this with your camera by focusing on one subject in your image and letting the rest of it become blurred. Post-shoot, if it didn't come out quite how you wanted, try the Funky Focus tool for instant results. You can also snap a photo on your phone with the focus highlighted on your subject by tapping it with your finger, and make adjustments in the mobile app to fit your desired aesthetic.

Technique 3: Use a Lens Flare to Romanticise Your Photo
Trying to manage the light in your images can be something that is a bit daunting, however, by embracing the natural light and the flares it gives off to your camera lens you can find something really beautiful. A lens flare occurs when the light hits your camera lens in a way that creates a striking haze on the final image. It once was considered a flaw in an image, but now it can be embraced for a soft and romantic feel in an image. You can achieve this by placing your subject in front of the light source and snapping away. If you are not happy with the amount of flare that has occurred in your images, BeFunky has an awesome selection of Lens Flare effects for you to choose from.

Technique 4: Layer Images With a Double Exposure
Double exposure photography is a term used to reference a photo that has two images layered together. Although it is a fairly trendy effect, the technique was most likely discovered by accident! It originally was caused by capturing a photo on a portion of the film where another image already existed. You can create this type of image with a film camera, and take two images on top of each other. If you have access to a dark room to develop your own images, you can also do it in the processing stage. But the easiest way to create a double exposure image is to do so in BeFunky!

Technique 5: Get Reflective With Reflection Photography
Often called mirror photography, reflection photography is capturing an image on a reflective surface. This could be on a body of water like the ocean or reflected on the windows of a building. You can also bring a reflective object like a mirror to create your image. Be sure to stand in a position that you or your camera cannot be seen in the reflection, and snap away! Try to create an image where the mirror or the reflection is the main subject of your image, and get creative with the composure of everything else.

Use These Techniques to Enrich Your Photography
Next time you are out capturing images, you have these 5 creative techniques to attempt. Grab your camera or camera phone and start making memories that will last a lifetime with an artistic flair. If they don’t turn out how you want them to at the moment, upload them to BeFunky and use the Photo Editor to make your creative dreams come true.