5 Nature Photography Instagram Accounts To Follow

One of my favorite things to take photos of is nature. By no means do I consider myself a serious or accomplished photographer, but I do love the art of photography, and I like to make sure to at least put some effort into the photos I take, usually with the help of the BeFunky Photo Editor and the many photography tips the BeFunky Blog has to offer.
With that being said, sometimes I need a little inspiration to help me take and edit my photos, so I’ve gotten into the habit of going on Instagram and looking up certain styles of photography to help spark my creativity. With that being said, here’s my list of the top five nature photography accounts that have inspired me that you should definitely be following!
Paul Nicklen (@paulnicklen)
A nature photography veteran and conservationist, Nicklen has been in the photography profession since the 1990’s. Currently, he goes on assignment for National Geographic, but he has worked all over the world. One of my favorite photos of his is of a Canadian Tundra Wolf in 1994:

Nicklen lived with these animals in the Canadian wilderness in order to be able to catch them in candid, natural situations. As an advocate for nature conservation, Nicklen also aims to educate the masses about the importance of conserving habitats and natural monuments through his stunning work.
Jade Kristel Davis (@jadekristel)
Based in Australia, Jade recounts her travels through incredible scenic photographs. I adore her work for several reasons: it gives me unbelievable wanderlust, it makes me want to take better pictures, and it is just so damn cool.
Her most alluring work is her night time photography:

I simply don’t know how she does it, but this photo left me speechless when I first saw it. Her work transports viewers to another world that feels unreal once you’re in it.
National Geographic (@natgeo)
Tried and true, NatGeo’s instagram has introduced me to so many wonderful photographers and wildlife organizations. Their posts make me want to be a better human by focusing more on the impact that nature conservation has on the environment, and the effect that nature photography has on our responsibility to the environment.

This photo is by photographer @daviddoubilet of the Opal Reef, which is part of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The composition of this photo shows the vastness of the reef as well of its beauty. Not only will this account inspire your photography, but also your environmentalism.
Discover Earth (@discoverearth)
This account also features incredible photographers from around the world like NatGeo does, but this account is mainly focused on wanderlust and mad photo skills. The photos this account shares focus a lot on perspective, which inspires me in my picture-taking to play around with perspective and photo manipulation.

This photo was taken by instagram user @maocool of The Sky Stairs in Nantou, Taiwan. Perspective works in this photo to make the stairs seem endless and adds almost a roller coaster-like feel.
Robbie Shone (@shonephoto)
I discovered this photographer through National Geographic’s instagram page and was just floored by his photos. Shone goes into the deepest, darkest parts of the Earth and illuminates them to produce stunning photographs of places many people would never see.

This photo is inside of a glacier cave in Switzerland. To capture this image, Shone took a rope down an ice wall to a small ledge in the cave. He utilized the natural sunlight coming through the mouth of the cave to illuminate the natural beauty of the ice, and it is nothing short of incredible.
Time to put that newfound inspiration to good use!