Spring Breakers

And no, I'm not talking about the James Franco movie... I'm talking about you, and YOUR Spring Break! We've teamed up with WeHeartIt to find out what you're doing over the break. Upload your photos to BeFunky and tag them #letsescape and we'll feature your photos in our collection for everyone to see!!
Maybe you'll go ride bikes...

...or the Ferris Wheel

Riding horses is a lot of fun too!

..but maybe carving a mountain is for you

Whatever you do, dance like no one is watching

Hit the open road

Get tubular!

Light up the night in another country

Catch some waves

Hop in the basket and take a balloon ride!

Whatever you're doing for Spring Break we want to see :) Take lots of photos, make them look awesome with our photo editor, put together your Spring Break story with our collage maker, and then tag them #letsescape and upload them to the BeFunky Gallery... but most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!