As the Digital Editor for American Salon Magazine, writer Kelsey Murray is no stranger to the world of style and fashion—and for the past year, she's been using BeFunky's tools help shape her own personal brand, Tickle Me Pink.
Tickle Me Pink was founded as a personal style blog with an emphasis on fashion and travel. Kelsey describes her own personal aesthetic as stylish with a hint of adventurousness:
My style is pretty classic. There are times when I add fun accessories—a pretty bow, a pom pom hat, a fedora, but I always want to be able to look back at an outfit and feel like I wasn't trying to many trends that don't fit my personality. At the end of the day I will never wear a crop top, because it's not me. You'll see me in pretty dresses most of the time.
Kelsey's personal aesthetic also carries over into how she uses BeFunky's Photo Editor and new graphic Designer Toolset—relying on their intuitive interfaces to get exactly what she wants done, without bogging her down with redundant, unnecessary features. Likewise, when editing photos, she typically eschews with the use of filters in favor a simple, refined look.
I would say that I never use filters... I like simplicity, saturation—but most of all I white wash my photos. So I make my photos as bright as I can and I use contrast to bring forward the different aspects of the photo.
Kelsey also had some advice for her fellow BeFunky users:
My advice is stay true to who you are. Don't try and take photos other bloggers take because it's not going to be authentic. Play around with the tools in BeFunky to sort of create an aesthetic that works for you and you alone.
Looking to create your own unique aesthetic? Try your hand out here: