How to Create Geometric Art With Design Elements

Just when you thought that geometry wouldn’t be used outside of school - it becomes an art style that easily enhances your current graphics. Designers are experts at utilizing shapes in their designs. Whether it be for posters, invitations, social media graphics, or art for home decor, geometric art can truly turn a simple design into one that is beautifully complex and wonderful to look at.
The process of creating a geometric object is quite simple. All you need to do is combine various shapes and maneuver them until they take the form of your desired object. This technique hangs in the cross-section of realism and abstract art. Not only can you create geometric objects, but you can enhance any photo with geometric shapes as well. There are many options when wanting to enhance a design using geometric shapes.

With BeFunky’s Designer, you can choose from hundreds of vectors in the Graphics tab and easily customize them to create a single geometric shape; By layering multiple shapes and adjusting the sizes and color, you can transform them into a work of art in minutes. Let’s get started.
Geometric Art Inspiration
Before we begin, we want to show you a few things that you can do with BeFunky’s Graphics to create different types of geometric art. From multi-dimensional objects to abstract art, there are so many ways to use Graphics to get the look you want.
Multi-Dimensional Geometric Shapes
Creating a single, multi-dimensional shape out of layered Graphics is one of the most fun ways to use shapes. This technique uses triangles, color, and opacity to build a cactus!

To do this, simply layer the shapes over one another. The key is to create an object that looks similar to the original without making it look too realistic.
Adding Shapes to Enhance Photos
Shapes aren’t just for graphics-only pieces. Take any photo and arrange the graphic elements in a pattern or random sequence on top of your image.

Not only does this give dimension and interest, but it draws attention to your piece and is a great option for those looking to create marketing content such as posters or album covers.
Abstract Geometric Art
Abstract pieces allow you to have complete freedom. This is a great option when you want to add interest to a space that feels dull without wanting to invest too much time, energy, or money.

Whichever artistic route you take with the Graphics in BeFunky’s Designer, the options are endless! All it takes is some imagination and a few tips to help you adjust those shapes into your creative vision.
How to Create a Unique Geometric Design With Graphics
When you’re ready to get started, head to BeFunky’s Designer by clicking on this link. We are going to be making a simple poster that you can use for an upcoming event.
Step 1: Select a Template
Begin with a poster template by selecting Open and then Template at the top of the screen. Select the Blank Canvas tab and then scroll down and click the Poster option under the Print section.

Step 2: Customize the Background
Next, choose a background color for your canvas by clicking on the Customize tab in the left-hand menu. Choose from the pre-selected color or choose a custom color by clicking on the first color swatch. A color palette menu will appear and you can drag the rainbow slider and circle around it to choose your own custom hue.

Step 3: Add Geometric Graphics
Next, it’s time to select some graphics to create your geometric art. We are going to mix photos and shapes for this piece by creating a geometric pattern that includes both. Let’s start by laying out the shapes in a geometric pattern.
Click on the Graphics tab in the left-hand menu and select the Search Graphics button. You will find hundreds of graphics here that you can choose from.

Type a search term into the search bar or choose from the Popular Tags to find all the geometric shapes you could need. Click on any you want to use in your project and they will automatically appear in Your Graphics library.

Simply double-click the thumbnails or drag and drop them onto your canvas to begin designing with them.
Now for the fun part: building your geometric pattern. You can use the blue circles around each Graphic to resize and rotate them. Drag them around with your mouse to position them. Play around with these a little until you like the pattern that emerges or use an inspiration image to help create the pattern you want.
Pro Tip: Hold down the Shift key while dragging the blue circles around your shape in order to warp the shape further.
Any time a Graphic is selected, you’ll notice a Graphic Properties toolbar appears to help you adjust the color, opacity, blend mode, and more. Clicking the swatch next to Color Overlay will allow you to select a color for your shape. An easy way to add a new shape with the same color and customized options is to press the D button on your keyboard. That will quickly duplicate your shape so that you can quickly build your pattern.

Step 4: Add Photo Masks (Optional)
We are going to be adding photos to the shapes here by using the clipping mask feature. Head into the Image Manager tab on the left. You can either upload your own photos or select Search Stock Images to access thousands of stock photos right from Befunky’s Designer. Once you select the photos you want, they will automatically be added to your Image Manager.

From your Image Manager, click and drag your selected photo onto one of the shapes in your pattern. The image will automatically adjust to the shape it is placed in. Choose either similarly colored photos or photos that match a theme for the event you are putting on.

Step 5: Add Text (Optional)
After you are finished arranging your pattern how you would like it, the next step is to add text. To do this, click the Text tab on the left. Click Add Text or select one of the premade text selections.

To adjust the text, click on a text box. Here you will be able to adjust the font, color, size, and more.

Once you feel that your pattern is complete and you have shared the details to your event, save your artwork to your computer by heading up to the top menu and selecting the Save button.
Step 6: Save the Design
Once you are all finished, head up to the Save tab to save your graphic to your computer or to BeFunky. Make sure to select the best export settings for your design. Since you will be sending this to the printer you will want to save the file as a PDF.

You can also Save as Project so that you can come back and make edits at a later date. This way you will be able to export your artwork for different mediums, depending on your future needs.
Get Creative With Geometric Graphics
With BeFunky’s Graphic Library, you can create geometric art in minutes for your next event. There is no reason to spend time, energy, or money on expensive art when you can quickly and easily create it yourself! By experimenting with colors, shapes, and objects, you can create some fun geometric patterns and pieces that no one else will have.