Recreate Your Favorite Famous Artists’ Styles

They say that the greatest forgeries ever committed are the ones hanging, undiscovered, in art galleries all over the world.
Although my artistic abilities (and ethics) mean that forgery’s not a career path I’ll ever get to explore, imitation is doable thanks to one-click artsy filter options.
Here’s how to use the BeFunky photo editor and Photo to Art effects to recreate some famous artists’ styles—and end up with a result that might not quite pass the forgery test, but will definitely pass the hanging on the fridge test.
Andy Warhol
Get a Warholian effect by heading to “Effect”, then “Artsy”. Scrolling down to “Pop Art”, you’ll be greeted with a plethora of cheery effects to dress up your shot of a Campbell’s soup can or to render your favorite selfie into iconic quadriptych.

Lilies, haystacks and cataracts. These might not sound like the recipe for an artistic master, but it worked for Monet. To make your own dab-and-daub masterpiece, head to “Effect” and then “Artsy”. Click “Impressionist”, and pick your preferred filter. Dialling the brushes and highlight area down to a minimum will achieve that Monet aesthetic.

The dots have it for Seurat, the French painter known for his pointillism technique. You can get his painstaking, spotty effect with a simple click of the “Pointillism” effect under the “Artsy” section, and some adjustment of your image’s tones in the “Edit” section.

Ever an overachiever, landscape master JMW Turner turned heads with both his watercolors and oil paintings. You can get a Turner effect by heading to “Artsy” and then “Oil Painting”. Given that Turner’s renowned for his use of light, you might also want to head to “Edit” and then “Exposure” to adjust the brightness and highlight levels of your photo.

Head to the BeFunky Collage Maker, then to “Templates”. Choose a single-column template with either two or three rows. Head to “Settings” and adjust the spacing, corner rounding, and background color of the rows. Then head to “Patterns” to drag and drop a pattern of your choice. Edit the colours to achieve a Rothko-esque contrast. Now click “Edit” to head back to the BeFunky photo editor. In the “Artsy” effects panel, click “Gouache”.

These are just a handful of the styles you could ostensibly recreate with BeFunky. Vermeer? Kahlo? Picasso? Dali? Chagall? O’Keeffe? Who else is on your list?
Head to the BeFunky photo editor and start curating your own collection of inspired art now: